Saturday, December 11, 2021

Friday, November 26, 2021

Custom Together Mode scene for the holidays

There's no cute4teams session today, but in the holiday spirit, here's a gift: a quick turkey-licious tutorial on creating Together Mode scenes in Microsoft Teams!

Friday, October 29, 2021

Microsoft Teams Sharing Tray; Microsoft Ignite; Live Events - CUTE Session


For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 #SharePoint 🌐 #surface #tablets

Friday, October 22, 2021

Microsoft Viva; GCC (Government Cloud) - C.U.T.E. Session


For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 #SharePoint 🌐 #surface #tablets

Friday, October 8, 2021

Naming your Microsoft Teams Chats - Tip 3 of 5

Tip 3 of 5: Rather than a long-running conversation with your colleagues full of different topics, create named [group] chats to organize conversation topics! You're doing your colleagues a favor - it's easier to manage, find and 'mentally compartmentalize' conversations when they're named, rather than just a list of the chat members.

See more Changing LANES tips here! For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 #SharePoint 🌐 #surface #tablets

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The new Microsoft Whiteboard; Microsoft Teams files in SharePoint

In this week's Ask-Me-Anything Office Hours ( we answered questions and demonstrated the new look and behavior of Microsoft Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams, and also gave a quick explanation of how files work in Microsoft Teams and SharePoint.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

The new Whiteboard on the Surface Duo in Microsoft Teams

A hands-on look at Microsoft Whiteboard with it's new, refreshed interface, shared in a Microsoft Teams meeting on a Surface Duo, using a Surface pen for annotation! #SurfaceDuo #Whiteboard For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 #SharePoint 🌐 #surface #tablets

Sunday, September 19, 2021

We did it! 100+ YouTube subscribers! 💯💪🏾

Thanks everyone for helping me hit this small milestone - 100+ YouTube subscribers!
That means that is now live!

Friday, September 17, 2021

Using Microsoft Teams and Power Automate - Demo

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Hide your Microsoft Teams chats - Tip 2 of 5

Tip 2 of 5: When you're done with a chat, no need to let it sit and clutter up your view. Hide it until you need to find it later!

See more Changing LANES tips here! For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 #SharePoint 🌐 #surface #tablets #MicrosoftTeams #TipsAndTricks #Office365 #Chat

Friday, September 10, 2021

How to Get Your Teammates to Use Microsoft Teams?

How to Get Your Teammates to Use Teams? - Discussed some of the challenges associated with getting your core team members to start to use your Teams are, versus email, local files, etc. Quick Links: 01:37 Intro 04:10 You Need an Evangelist 05:35 Email behaviors 11:26 Files behaviors 16:16 Group vs Personal calendars For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 #SharePoint 🌐 #surface #tablets #adoption #changemanagement #collaboration #Office365 #coauthoring

Monday, September 6, 2021

Linking to Microsoft Teams chats from your browser - Tip 1 of 5

Tip 1 of 5: Linking to Microsoft Teams chats from the browser. Grab direct links to your favorite chats using their unique URLs in the browser, and document them in OneNote, emails, or wherever you need a quick reference!

See more Changing LANES tips here!

For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 #SharePoint 🌐 #surface #tablets #MicrosoftTeams #TipsAndTricks #Office365 #Chat

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Change your L.A.N.E.S. in Microsoft Teams Chat

To complement the article I posted in LinkedIn, below you'll find a summary of the 5 tips for effectively using chat in Microsoft Teams, along with links to video demos (TBD) that will be posted on the Teamwork Cowbell YouTube Channel:

  1. Link to your Chats (video demo here)

  2. Archive (Hide) Chats (video demo here)

  3. Name your Chats (video demo here)

  4. Encourage Chats (video demo TBD)

  5. Silence Chats (video demo TBD)

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Automating Alerts with Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, and Microsoft Teams

Discussed automating Alerts with Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, and Microsoft Teams. Showed meeting options in Microsoft Teams, including Spotlight and the new Presenter View features. Talked about ways to use these features to have successful and professional meetings. 

For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 

🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 

🌐 #SharePoint 

🌐 #surface #tablets

Friday, August 27, 2021

Passed MS-700 exam! (Managing Microsoft Teams)

Happy to have passed my MS-700 exam today! 🎉  Tips? Yeah, brush up on the calling aspects of Microsoft Teams. Teams has a comprehensive set of phone system features that you need to be familiar with. In fact, why are people still using phones without Teams anyway?? 😋

Achievement Unlocked: Microsoft Teams Administrator Associate

Most popular 3rd party apps in Microsoft Teams - CUTE Session

Discussed some of the more popular 3rd-party apps that customers are using in Microsoft Teams, and the pros and cons.

For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 #SharePoint 🌐 #surface #tablets #Office365 #collaboration #Microsoft

Friday, August 20, 2021

Use cases for Forms and Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

In today's Ask-Me-Anything users discussed with us questions around working with Forms and Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams chat, as well as Sharing scenarios. Some Microsoft 365 roadmap items were discussed as well.


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Friday, August 13, 2021

Approvals and Apps in Microsoft Teams


In this week's CUTE4TEAMS session, we showed how the Approvals app works in Microsoft Teams to provide a seamless experience working with approval workflows (using PowerAutomate) that help users get feedback on documents, decisions, etc.  

We also talk about some other app integrations that are relatively new to the Government Community Cloud (GCC), and some of the ways to think creatively about their usage.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Private vs Channel Chat in Microsoft Teams; Company Communicator

In this CUTE4Teams session we spent some time discussing the nuanced differences between chatting in Microsoft Teams with your teammates using private group chat, versus having conversations in channels within a Team. I strongly encourage channel chat for things like sub-conversation threads, linking to specific posts, and more @mention flexibility.

Also in this video was a great explanation to a customer about the value proposition of Company Communicator for employee communication in Teams.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Walkthru Microsoft Whiteboard in Teams [for Gov't] in 1 minute

While long detailed walk-thru's are great, I also think the quick 60-second fly-bys are nice too. :) Given the recent launch of the Microsoft Whiteboard service in Government Community Clouds (GCC), I thought it would be useful to see a very quick introduction to starting and using a whiteboard during a Microsoft Teams meeting in a GCC client. See the video below:

Also, you can see more via TikTok with the post below:

Friday, May 21, 2021

Use Microsoft Teams to Combat Meeting Fatigue - C.U.T.E. Session May 21 2021

The Microsoft Meetings Rangers joined us today to talk about aspects of meeting fatigue and how to address them in Microsoft Teams.

See more at

For more on collaboration in general, visit me at

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Friday, April 16, 2021

Interview with Microsoft Stores training team - C.U.T.E. for Teams

View the video below to hear one of Microsoft Stores Customer Success trainers talk about the value proposition for the no-cost training that Microsoft provides to it's customers for everything in the Office 365 stack, including Microsoft Teams training:

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Six-Screen Setup for Productivity


A little background into the madness behind my 6-screen setup:

  1. The Microsoft Teams monitor:
    • Yep, a monitor almost entirely dedicated to my Microsoft Teams usage. Meetings go on the right half of the screen near my mounted webcam. The main Teams client goes on the right to read new posts, chat, etc. If I really need to actively work in the client, tho, I'll bring it down to Monitor #2 for a while. Videos or YoutTubeTV that I may wanna watch also tend to go up there. When I'm doing Live Events, like my weekly Cute4Teams broadcasts, the Producer view usually goes full-screen up there.

  2. Main monitor (ultrawide):
    • This is my primary place for actively doing work. With ultrawide, it's like the equivalent of 3 screens. I do my email, browser stuff, etc here.

  3. Peek Screen 1 - Portrait:
    • Number 3 and 4 are both Peek Screens - screens that I don't actively work on, but rather that I put windows on that I want to "peek" at. In this case, I also have it in portrait mode for viewing long lists or reading documents full-screen. On Peek Screen 1, I usually have these apps always running: 
      • YourPhone (for my text msgs, or to remote control my phone [usually for food ordering apps])
      • To-Do (to see and/or enter tasks quickly)
      • Win10 Calendar (so I can always quickly see my next meeting)

  4. Peek Screen 2 - Landscape:
    • Since it's so far to the left, I only put things here that I need running, but will rarely look at much. Primarily that ends up being Spotify, or whatever music app I'm using at the time. It also gets used to run videos - usually instructional videos from something like LinkedIn Learning.

  5. The 2nd PC:
    • While monitors 1 thru 4 are all connected to the same PC, monitor 5 is connected to a 2nd PC. However, thanks to Mouse Without Borders, I can seamlessly move my mouse from Screen 4 to Screen5 to control the 2nd PC.  This monitor is primarily for my 7-year old office buddy when she wants to work on her remote learning work, Minecraft, or Roblox in dad's office instead of her own desk. Otherwise, I use it to watch YouTube TV, or for guests.

  6. Surface Pro with Pen:
    • I'm a pen fanatic. So I need my Surface Pro nearby whenever I feel the urge to grab my pen and write notes. Sometimes my inspiration begins on monitors 1 thru 4 (like some screen shot that I need to annotate. Thanks again to Mouse Without Borders, I can move my mouse from, say monitor 1 to the Surface Pro, then paste the monitor 1 screenshot from the clipboard onto the Surface Pro [usually into OneNote].
On top of all this, I also use Windows 10 Desktops with monitors 1 thru 4 to quickly switch between different layouts of screens. I use 4 desktops: Work Primary, Work Secondary (usually for spreadsheets or BI reports), Personal and Virtual Machines (dedicated to the VMs I run for customer demos).  Does this mean my 4 screens are actually 12??!!  (ProTip: I set Microsoft Teams to "Show on All Desktops" so that no matter how much I shift between desktops, my current Meeting and chats are always there)

Sooooo.... the next time they tell you that you don't need so many monitors - don't believe them. ;)

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Comments in Office 365

There are so many different places where comments can be added in Office 365 that sometimes it can be confusing, especially when combined with Microsoft Teams where tab comments are chat might also be used. I've listed here all the different ways I could think of....