C.U.T.E. (Champions Using Teams Effectively):
There's no cute4teams session today, but in the holiday spirit, here's a gift: a quick turkey-licious tutorial on creating Together Mode scenes in Microsoft Teams!
Tip 3 of 5: Rather than a long-running conversation with your colleagues full of different topics, create named [group] chats to organize conversation topics! You're doing your colleagues a favor - it's easier to manage, find and 'mentally compartmentalize' conversations when they're named, rather than just a list of the chat members.
For more on collaboration in general, visit me at
🌐 https://www.teamworkcowbell.com #MicrosoftTeams
🌐 https://www.sharepointcowbell.com #SharePoint
🌐 https://www.surfaceprobro.com #surface #tablets
Tip 1 of 5: Linking to Microsoft Teams chats from the browser. Grab direct links to your favorite chats using their unique URLs in the browser, and document them in OneNote, emails, or wherever you need a quick reference!
See more Changing LANES tips here!
For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 https://www.teamworkcowbell.com #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 https://www.sharepointcowbell.com #SharePoint 🌐 https://www.surfaceprobro.com #surface #tablets #MicrosoftTeams #TipsAndTricks #Office365 #Chat
To complement the article I posted in LinkedIn, below you'll find a summary of the 5 tips for effectively using chat in Microsoft Teams, along with links to video demos (TBD) that will be posted on the Teamwork Cowbell YouTube Channel:
Discussed automating Alerts with Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, and Microsoft Teams. Showed meeting options in Microsoft Teams, including Spotlight and the new Presenter View features. Talked about ways to use these features to have successful and professional meetings.
For more on collaboration in general, visit me at
🌐 https://www.teamworkcowbell.com #MicrosoftTeams
🌐 https://www.sharepointcowbell.com #SharePoint
https://www.surfaceprobro.com #surface #tablets
Discussed some of the more popular 3rd-party apps that customers are using in Microsoft Teams, and the pros and cons.
For more on collaboration in general, visit me at 🌐 https://www.teamworkcowbell.com #MicrosoftTeams 🌐 https://www.sharepointcowbell.com #SharePoint 🌐 https://www.surfaceprobro.com #surface #tablets #Office365 #collaboration #Microsoft
In today's Ask-Me-Anything users discussed with us questions
around working with Forms and Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams chat, as well as
Sharing scenarios. Some Microsoft 365 roadmap items were discussed as well.
For more on collaboration in general, visit me at
🌐 teamworkcowbell.com #MicrosoftTeams
🌐 sharepointcowbell.com #SharePoint
🌐 surfaceprobro.com #surface
In this CUTE4Teams session we spent some time discussing the nuanced differences between chatting in Microsoft Teams with your teammates using private group chat, versus having conversations in channels within a Team. I strongly encourage channel chat for things like sub-conversation threads, linking to specific posts, and more @mention flexibility.
Also in this video was a great explanation to a customer about the value proposition of Company Communicator for employee communication in Teams.
While long detailed walk-thru's are great, I also think the quick 60-second fly-bys are nice too. :) Given the recent launch of the Microsoft Whiteboard service in Government Community Clouds (GCC), I thought it would be useful to see a very quick introduction to starting and using a whiteboard during a Microsoft Teams meeting in a GCC client. See the video below:
Also, you can see more via TikTok with the post below:
Large 1000-way meetings in Microsoft Teams: Essential Tips! (also, see Best Practices for 1000-way large Microsoft Teams meetings)
see more at aka.ms/cute4teams
For more on collaboration in general, visit me at
🌐 teamworkcowbell.com #MicrosoftTeams
🌐 sharepointcowbell.com #SharePoint
🌐 surfaceprobro.com #surface #tablets
A little background into the madness behind my 6-screen setup:
There are so many different places where comments can be added in Office 365 that sometimes it can be confusing, especially when combined with Microsoft Teams where tab comments are chat might also be used. I've listed here all the different ways I could think of....